Thursday, February 12, 2015

back to sabbatical...

So...I interviewed for a job last week.  God told me to walk through the doors, and I did.  

It's a job that I would have really enjoyed doing.  But, it would have meant ending my sabbatical time.  Which honestly, I welcomed.  

This time, is not my favorite.  Oh, there are some things about it that I love.  I've been sleeping like a champ.  I've been able to get in the kitchen and experiment.  I was able to take off and see my friends on a whim.  I feel rested.  Which, given my history, seems miraculous to me.  

Although my body is rested, I feel restless.  Very restless.  

I've mentioned this before, but I am continually feeling stripped.  I was talking with a friend last night, and he suggested that I start creating and selling things.  That he likes the things that I've made in the past.  I told him I had thought about that, but that I no longer own anything that would allow me to do these projects.  And, I no longer have the space to complete them either. 

I feel as if God has taken all of the distractions out of my life.  If I still had a home, I would find projects to constantly keep my busy.  Unfortunately for my roommate, she now has to suffer through me riffling through and straightening her kitchen cabinets.  Sorry, Ashley, I have a problem!

The thought of taking the job was VERY attractive to me.  I went into the interview as a fact finding mission.  I had come to the conclusion that if they offered it, I was going to take it.  

I was on my way to a followup meeting, and I prayed out loud that God would show me his VERY BEST for me.  This has been such a trust journey, and I didn't want fear of the unknown to get the best of me now.  

By that night, God clearly impressed on my heart that this would have been a good opportunity, but not the very best of what He has in store for me.  I'd like to add, that I called in a prayer army to pray clarity over me.  I am so grateful that I have these people in my life.  

I'll never know if they were going to offer me the job, as I withdrew my application.  

That was hard.  I had already started to mentally prepare for the next phase.  The thought of jumping into a new project, and the challenge of figuring out new tasks was exciting to me.  

Stripped.  Again.

Ok, God.  I'm listening.  You've got my undivided attention.  There's nothing left to distract me.

I'm ready to know what your very best is for me.  But, I'm trying not to miss the lessons in the meantime.