Monday, September 15, 2014

Pinata full of joy...

Oh gosh...I've had THE BEST few days.

I'm just so grateful right now.  If you were to string me up like a pinata, and hit me with a stick, joy would come bursting out.  

On Thursday, I was able to travel to Charlotte/Boone.  Oh how wonderful to hug the people I love so very much.  

I've said this before, and I'll say this again...I don't know how I hit the friend jackpot.  This world is filled with people that I love, and for some reason, they love me too.  

On Friday, as my friend Tiffany and I were driving back to Boone, we were just chatting.  Chatting about the big and little things in life.  I had not even finished the following sentence, and the phone rang..."I believe that my house will get a contract on it this weekend....."  You guessed it, it was my Realtor tell me that someone was really interested in the house.  I HADN'T EVEN FINISHED MY SENTENCE!!

We were about to get on the plane that night, and my phone was my Realtor again, telling me that after 7 days on the market, that we had an offer.  And, I accepted it!  

As soon as I got off the plane in DC, my friend, Janette was waiting for me!  She came to spend the weekend with me, and it was DELIGHTFUL!  We saw the sites.  We saw the Blue Angels fly over Chesapeake Bay.  We ate delicious food.  But, all of that was secondary to being in the same room as my friend.  On Saturday night, we just sat and chatted for hours and hours.  We have lived life together.  We know each others deepest and darkest secrets.  We've rejoiced and cried with each other.  We've asked each other the hard questions.

Oh, how wonderful it is to be known.  And as we talked, I realized that I said several times "I know who I am."  What?!  Somehow, someway, I know who I am.  I have embraced who God has made me to be.  I somehow know my place in the world, and how others see me.  And, I accept it.  I'm an imperfect mess, who sends inappropriate ambien texts, and trips at least 4 times a day.  I get my arm stuck in random places.  I accidentally resend texts to the person that sent them to me, and I am a complete goofball.  But God has used me, imperfect me, to do great and mighty things for him.  Things that I'm not qualified to do.  I've said several times in the past week, that I am NOT the most qualified person for the things that the Lord has called me to do.  In fact, I may be the least qualified.  But, I'm willing.  And that might be the biggest thing I have going for me.  I trust God, and I will always go where he sends me, even when I know I don't possess the skills that are needed.  

I learned a long time ago that "God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called."  That's me, to a T.  I'm not qualified for most of the things I've done...God just simply keeps showing up, and equipping me.

1 comment:

  1. Pinata comment - love! So glad that you got an offer on your house. It is lovely and they will have some "groovy neighbors" (quoting one of them) to boot. You are a joy to know and love!
